Why Attend the
Texas Commercial Real Estate Expo?
(Hint: Billionaires don't flip houses)
December 2-4, 2022 LIVE ONLINE
Only 150 Spots Available
3 Days, 15 Texas Commercial Real Estate Investor Speakers!
Texas Commercial Real Estate Expo $497 FREE For Our Live Online Attendees
(Valued at well over $1,000)
(Strictly limited to 150 Texas Investors)
Admission Includes:
- Active commercial real estate investing training.
- Passive commercial real estate investing training.
- Meeting like-minded Texans, PLUS vendors and experts who work specifically with commercial real estate investors in Texas (so you can build your network.)
- All training by Texans, for Texans, about investing in Texas.
- Become a Sophisticated Investor by the end of the expo.
- Get access to money, deals, training, attorneys, IRA Specialists, inspectors, contractors, brokers, CPAs, and more...

From the Desk of Phill Grove,
Reformed Engineer & Co-Founder,
Canis Major Incubator, Austin, Texas
Fellow Investor,
If you’re interested in earning a lot more money than you typically make in the stock market … with typically much less risk … and you’re interested in doing it here in Texas…
Then the Texas Commercial Real Estate Expo is for you.
That is, it’s for you if you’re one of the first 150 people to confirm your spot.
As you probably know, commercial real estate is different than residential real estate. Instead of flipping houses or land-lording, you’ll be investing in apartment buildings, strip malls, RV parks, assisted living facilities, and more.
Why would you want to do that?
Well, first, bigger deals mean bigger money.
That’s why billionaires don’t flip houses
Maybe you want to be a billionaire and maybe you don’t. Either way, if you’re interested in earning above-average returns, safely, no matter where you’re starting from today, Texas commercial real estate should be firmly on your radar.
That is, if you like big profits, big cashflow, and low risk.
Now, investing in something like an apartment building might seem daunting. I can assure you, that it’s not – once you’ve had the training we’re going to give you. We teach people how to invest in these deals, and even how to do these deals themselves.
To give you a taste, let me show you why it’s worth the short time investment to get trained in this stuff…
Let’s say you invest $100,000 in an apartment building in Dallas. Don’t worry if you don’t have $100,000 yet, at the Expo, we’ll show you how to get it.
A few years later, your $100,000 investment is then worth $200,000, so at that point, the deal sponsor may refinance the property to obtain the funds to return you your original $100,000 investment. That’s not the whole story though…
Even though you got your initial $100,000 investment back, you still have your piece of ownership of the apartment building. And that ownership spits off monthly cashflow until you die (or sell the property and take the profit). Even longer if you set it up right.
Basically, ownership in that Texas apartment building didn’t cost you a cent, since you got your original investment back. Yet, you have a new source of income, security in your investment, tax advantages, and more.
Try doing that with the stock market. That’s why people that learn about Commercial real estate investing rarely go back to the stack market!
Anybody good with numbers might be wondering …
What’s your return on investment?
It’s infinite. Thats why they call these investments “Infinite Returns”. That’s because your original investment is effectively zero. Basically, it’s free cashflow. It’s enough to make your accountant’s head spin!
In fact, if they don’t understand investing the way we do it, they might just think it’s impossible. They can think that. Let’s you and I keep cashing the checks.
So, now that your money is out of that deal, what do you do? Just enjoy your good fortune? Maybe. But more likely, you roll your original investment into another commercial property. And you set up another stream of tax-advantaged, passive income. Rinse and repeat!
Do it right and you’ll grow this big ol’ mountain of tax-deferred wealth. You get cash distributions for the rest of your life. You’ll likely pay just a pittance for taxes when you do as these are longer-term investments, that have many tax benefits, and can even utilize IRA money, making your profits potential tax free. Or, you can keep reinvesting and deferring all taxes and leave your investments to your kids and let them deal with the taxes.
That’s why I love Texas commercial real estate …
Bigger returns than residential. Better returns than the stock market – and typically safer returns too.
Heck, as I’ll show you in a moment, it doesn’t even matter if commercial real estate values slump all over Texas. If you invest the way we show you, a downturn will only make you want to invest more.
This all sounds good, but what if you don’t have a lot of money free to invest right now? How do you get the ball rolling?
Well, you do need a little money, but if you don’t have a lot of money but you do have time, tenacity, and knowhow, you can get in on the Texas commercial real estate game too.
If you’ve got the time and the tenacity, and a little ambition, we can give you the know how.
In fact, …
At the event, you’ll discover how to …
- Invest in Texas commercial real estate actively (these are the elbow-grease strategies that turn regular investors into millionaires and millionaires into billionaires), and…
- Invest in Texas commercial real estate passively (so you can earn typically far bigger returns than the stock market, more safely, and without doing any more work)
Texas Commercial Real Estate Expo $497 FREE For Our Live Online Attendees
(Valued at well over $1,000)
(Strictly limited to 150 Texas Investors)
Admission Includes:
- Active commercial real estate investing training.
- Passive commercial real estate investing training.
- Meeting likeminded Texans, PLUS vendors and experts who work specifically with commercial real estate investors in Texas (so you can build your network.)
- All training by Texans, for Texans, about investing in Texas.
- Become a Sophisticated Investor by the end of the expo.
It’s NOT one route or the other, either.
You may want to start investing actively if you have more time than capital, or if you are one of those intelligent ambitious people that wants to go for the big big bucks. And you may want to start investing passively if you have more capital than time, and/or are looking for better alternatives to the stock market, CDs, etc.
But it’s important you learn both sides. Active and Passive. Not only that, but it’s critical you learn how both sides work here in the Great State of Texas too.
What works up North, or on the East Coast doesn’t necessarily work here. Sometimes strategies that work in other states, are not even legal here, and vice-versa!
That’s why the ‘teachers’ at the Texas Commercial Real Estate Expo are all Texans. We’re NOT like those national seminar companies who jet into town, drop some nice-sounding theories that don’t actually work in Texas, take everyone’s money, and then leave.
We’re Texans teaching Texans to invest in Texas, along with other Texans. We are a local group. A local community. We’ve been around for a very long time. We know what works here at home. And that’s exactly what we’ll teach you too.
In fact, we’ll not only teach you. By the end of the expo …
You’ll Be a Sophisticated Investor!
Yes, we will train you and make you into a “Sophisticated Investor”. That’s not a slick marketing term we just made up either. It’s a real, legal term.
If you attend our Texas Commercial Real Estate Expo, you’ll actually be trained to qualify as a Sophisticated Investor.
And it’s an important qualification. Because one of the reasons that everyone does not know about this stuff, and is not already investing in Commercial real estate is because it’s regulated by the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) and in order to legally participate you have to be a Sophisticated or Accredited (which typically means you are already a millionaire) investor already.
Here’s what being a Sophisticated Investor means…
You’ll have the knowledge you need to be able to size-up deals and make educated decisions.
It doesn’t matter where you’re starting from now …
It doesn’t matter if you’d rather invest actively, passively, or both …
By the time you leave the expo you’ll understand the mechanics of most commercial real estate deals that take place in Texas.
More importantly, you’ll be equipped to tell a winner from a loser. And once the event is over, you can be on your way to safer, more lucrative investing.
Before I forget, let me also share with you …
Why Texas Commercial Real Estate Investing is SAFER Than Putting Your Money in the Bank!
First, you know that no investment is 100% safe and secure.
Banks fail. Stocks go to zero. Natural disasters happen.
But if we’re to get some return on our money, we have to invest it, right? Which means we have to put it at risk somewhat.
That doesn’t mean we have to be reckless though!
Now, I don’t know about you, but stocks give me the willies. Companies go bankrupt all the time and take your hard-earned money with them. Look at Enron, Compaq Computers, Kodak, Radio Shack, Blockbuster, Pan Am, Tower Records, PaineWebber, Arthur Andersen, General Foods Corp., Borders, Lehman Brothers, Toys-R-Us, Netscape, Minolta, Wang… on so on…
Banks fold too. And with over $21 trillion in debt, the Fed won’t be bailing out the next banks that fold like a cheap shirt.
There are a few reasons I like investing in commercial real estate in Texas above anything else …
- There’s an underlying asset (the building). And that can’t disappear in the night like a stock’s value can – unless in the case of a disaster, which is what insurance is for.
- We can buy properties at a discount. We aim for 20% or better discount. So, if the market takes a downturn, our investment is still covered. How do we get discounts like this? Simple – we analyze, on average, 200 deals before we pull the trigger on one. We’ll teach you to do the same.
- We can influence the asset value right away. Residential real estate prices can vary a little but there’s a cap, based on the location. Commercial real estate is valued on the Net Operating Income (NOI). So, like with residential properties, we get appreciation, based on the property and location, but we also we can grow the asset value quickly and significantly by increasing the NOI (by increasing income and reducing expenses), even if the local market is flat or down.
- We make more money per deal. When it’s all said and done, investing in commercial real estate is more lucrative than residential. We usually make more money, pay less taxes, and experience less headaches too.
Come Learn From 15 Expert Texas Commercial Real Estate Investors.
Don’t take just my word for it… We’ve put together an absolute A-Team of Texas Commercial Real Estate Investors for you to learn from. These are real investors who are out there doing BIG deals. Not some speakers who spend all their time speaking… Chances are you haven’t heard of these investors unless you’re already doing Commercial deals in Texas.
You’ll discover how we invest in:
- Multi-Family Apartment Complexes
- Residential & Commercial Condo Developments & Conversions
- Single Family Residential Portfolios
- Medical Office Buildings
- Commercial Retail Strip Centers
- Manufactured Home Communities
- RV Parks
- Self Storage Buildings
- Raw Land Development
- Various Commercial New Construction Classes
- And more…
Here are some of our featured speakers:
Aaron Hultgren
Mr. Hultgren serves as the Manager of the Company. Aaron has been involved in the real estate industry since 2001, purchasing his first investment property at the age of 20 in Brookings, South Dakota.He understands all facets of the real estate industry, from construction, development, operations and finance. Aaron has been actively involved with a variety of different operating entities which have allowed him to employ his experience and knowledge in construction, restaurant/bar, business consulting and real estate sales and development.
Aaron is currently the sole owner of The Touch Consulting, LLC, which is one of the Members of Tango Development Services. Prior to this he was the Director of Operations for Legacy Development & Consulting Company, LLC, where he sourced nearly $350mm in acquisition and development funding and helped grow the business to a staff of 15 full- time employees. He has an extensive knowledge in the various tax credit programs available across the country.
He is a licensed real estate broker in South Dakota. In 2016, he assisted in the creation of a separate wholly owned property management firm under “LPM Properties, LLC”. Since that time LPM has grown to manage nearly one million square feet of commercial space and approximately 350 multi-family units.
Aaron is passionate about serving the entrepreneurial community spending time teaching and meeting with small business owners to provide mentoring and coaching services. He is a member of “Alluvio”, a consulting company that specializes in business performance automation. His role, in addition to managing the business side of Alluvio, is to assist its clients in strategic financial planning, financing and budgeting.
Aaron was one of the founding members and managers of PAve, a highly successful bar and restaurant located in the heart of downtown Sioux Falls. This establishment has a staff of over 70 employees and is widely considered as having the number one “night-life scene” in Sioux Falls. The building which PAve currently leases for its operations consists of over 18,000 square feet of usable space and has an occupancy limit of 1,000 people. Through these ventures and others, Aaron has assisted in raising private equity funds and sourcing institutional debt. He has served on the Bid Board for the City of Sioux Falls and as a volunteer with Volunteers of America, United Way, Muscular Dystrophy Association and the Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce. Aaron also spent six years in the South Dakota Army National Guard.

Brent Mott
Brent was born and raised in central Texas. Brent comes from a long line of entrepreneurs. His grandmother, Helen Mott, has been investing in real estate since the 1960’s. Brent saw the successes that she had and developed an interest in real estate at a very young age.Brent earned his BBA in Economics from the University of Mary Hardin Baylor in 2007. After graduation, Brent spent a year working for a non-profit before attending Texas Tech University where he earned his MBA with a 4.0 GPA.
Brent was recruited from Graduate school by Sewell Automotive. He went to work for their Ken Batchelor Cadillac dealership where he honed his communication and customer service skills. During his first year of employment, Brent purchased his first investment property which started his investing career. A couple of Brent’s clients at Cadillac, Phill and Shenoah Grove were real estate investors and educators. Brent invested in his education again, this time specializing in real estate investing through the Big Dog Program.
By 2014, Brent’s real estate investment activities had become successful enough to allow him to leave his corporate occupation to become a full-time real estate investing professional. After more success, his former clients, Phill and Shenoah, recruited him to become one of their investing coaches and speakers . Brent has coached and trained hundreds of Big Dog real estate investors across the United States.
Brent has participated in multiple exit strategies for real estate investing, but his primary focus is on growing his buy and hold portfolio. Brent’s Portfolio includes: Single Family Residential Homes, Duplexes, Triplexes, Apartment Complexes, Self-Storage, Office Buildings and Land Development.
Brent is passionate about real estate, investing and helping people. Brent looks for opportunities to produce win-win outcomes for both he and his partners and the parties that he purchases real estate from. Brent looks for opportunities to provide excellent returns for his investors with minimal exposure to risk.

Curt Eley
While working as a C-suite executive at The University of Texas-Dallas, Curt served as executive customer on the design/build/occupancy of a 74,000 square foot LEED Platinum office building as well as two other smaller new buildings.Later, in 2016, Curt joined the Big Dog Program as a full-time real estate investor. He’s acquired and delivered a series of fix & flip homes, new build homes, and land projects.
His work now focuses on analysis, acquisition, and development of land. In Big Dog collaborative fashion, he was part of a team of six Big Dogs who recently acquired and pre-sold a 192-acre subdivision development project. His favorite projects include helping investors understand the limitations and potential for specific pieces of land, carving large ranches into consumer-sized ranchettes, and turning empty fields into subdivisions including townhomes, apartments, single family homes, and duplexes.

David Teo
David Teo’s experience in business and real estate spans across two decades. His background in the technology business provided a firm foundation on which his real estate business was built on. His foray into real estate started with Single Family infill development which he rapidly expanded to include investments such as Multifamily, Medical Office Buildings, Land Development, and others. David currently runs a Commercial Real Estate Investment Group with a portfolio of acquired assets of over $200M in asset value.
Eddy Salazar
Prior to becoming a full-time real estate investor, I worked in the development, production, and sale of several full-length feature films. Throughout my time working in the film industry, I packaged and sold films to companies such as ABC Family and Paramount Pictures, and attained pre-sales in all major worldwide territories/markets.As a real estate investor, I have taken my knowledge of project management and development, as well as my ability to build and maintain strong working relationships, and applied them to every commercial and residential project I do. From the early analysis based on comps, demographic data, etc. and all the way through the development and sale of my projects, I take a hands-on approach.
Since joining the Big Dogs, I have been a part of over 100 real estate deals and have sold over $50M in real estate.
My experience with real estate strategies includes fix & flips, condo conversions and condo regimes, new construction, seller financing, sub-to’s, multifamily rentals, land acquisition, and wholesaling.
My skills include partnering, mentoring, negotiating, closing deals, designing, contracting, timely responses, MLS access. Accredited investor. FLUENT IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH

George Smith
George spent 40 years as an electrical engineer, the last 15 years directing global projects for a major oil & gas company. Upon retirement, George became an active real estate investor in Houston in 2016. George originally started with single family investments, then quickly transitioned to larger multi-family deals. Currently George has ownership in 3 multifamily properties totaling 407 units.George’s background in engineering has been very useful on multifamily acquisitions including paying attention to the details on property condition, electrical components, service contracts and working with property management team on the renovation plan. George also has a thorough understanding of title, insurance, valuation and other aspects of the real estate value chain that ensure the success of new projects. George is also an active member of the Houston Apartment Association.

John & Sharon Kucewicz
John and Sharon Kucewicz began investing in income producing real estate in 2010 with a series of fix, rent, and sale of single family homes. We became the “bank’ for one of the sold homes, and continue to this day have income from the very first house we purchased. We have additional experience in Tax Lien, undeveloped land, apartment investing and most recently since 2013 in Mobile Home Parks (MHP), where syndication is a key component of those transactions. Our current focus is commercial scale projects. Sharon is our property management expert, coordinates infrastructure improvements that enhance tenant experience and our income streams, using Rent Manager Software, and is a licensed Mobile Home Dealer in the state of Michigan.At the height of our personally managed income projects we had about 205 rented “doors” including an MHP with 70+ remaining pads to be filled by the future buyer. To date, the largest single project we’ve sold was somewhat over $2 Million dollars, with Annualized Returns on Investment to our investors of about 30%. We currently look to invest in others’ projects as we transition to a larger “passive” investment strategy, although we are always on the lookout for exceptional opportunities where we operate and manage, including building from the ground up. Prior to 2010 we also bought and sold raw land parcels at a profit. We’ve purchased 4 high-end homes for ourselves to live in, designing several of them including luxury pools and outdoor entertainment areas.
John's previous background (and occasionally even now in retirement) is largely oil & gas geology plus other economic minerals including water resources evaluations. He was responsible for generating well drilling locations, lease recommendations and related economics for projects that ran into the $Billions of dollars. "If it is on the land, in the land or through the land I have handled it" ™. At one point John was called the “Father of the Largest Discovery in the Gulf of Mexico”
Sharon is a retired R.N. MSN after 40 years, and has great person-to-person skill sets that translate into superior real estate operations oversight.

Pratima Sharma
Real Estate professional with focus on Multi-Family (MF) acquisitions, asset management, refinancing, and selling. My real estate transactions amount to over $225M with about $21M in cash payouts. Financing experience with nationwide lenders (e.g., Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) as well as local banks. I have been working in the real estate area for close to 10 years and have transacted through more than 7,000 MF units and over 35 MF properties. My primary investing location is DFW, however I have invested in other Texas cities as well as in Arizona, Florida, and Georgia.Prior to real estate, I have spent 30+ years in engineering focusing on Telecom and Operating Systems research. I have extensive experience in leadership, management, research, design, development, and simultaneous testing using a variety of systems on multi-technology platforms. I have telecom design patents and have received multiple awards throughout my corporate career.
Real Estate Certifications include Independent Real estate Owner Professional (IROP), Certified Lead Investor & Certified Passive Investor at Lifestyles Unlimited Inc.
Real Estate Training: Taken hundreds of hours of Real Estate Investor classes, Seminars, Live multi-family road trips from Lifestyles Unlimited, Rat Race 2 Retirement real estate club.
Real Estate Industry Conferences and Networking: Attended events with LifeStyles Unlimited, Brad Sumrok (R2R), Paul Peebles (Old Capital), Joe Fairless (BEC), AAA Adam Adams (Blue Spruce), Sunil Tulsiani, Neal Bawa (Grocapitus), and Grand Cardone (10X). Appeared on multiple Radio Shows and Podcasts.

Bhuvan Sharma
Real Estate professional with focus on Multi-Family (MF) acquisitions, asset management, refinancing, and selling. My real estate transactions amount to over $225M with about $21M in cash payouts. Financing experience with nationwide lenders (e.g., Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) as well as local banks. I have been working in the real estate area for close to 10 years and have transacted through more than 7,000 MF units and over 35 MF properties. My primary investing location is DFW, however I have invested in other Texas cities as well as in Arizona, Florida, and Georgia.Prior to real estate, I have spent 37+ years in banking, technology, utilities, and consumer industries. My background is largely in IT audit, compliance, and software development. Last 18 year my experience includes (VP/Manager) IT, Audit, Governance and Compliance professional with major financial organizations. Have experience with managing large projects to ensure that internal controls are complying per policies, procedures, and standards. Worked with the multiple levels of management in developing recommendations for internal customers. Personal strengths include leadership, analytical, technical, organizational, teamwork, interpersonal, and planning skills. Received multiple awards throughout my corporate career.
Real Estate and Compliance Certifications: Independent Real Estate Owner Professional (IROP), Lead/Syndicator Investor & Certified Passive Investor at Lifestyles Unlimited Inc., Six Sigma Green Belt (SSGB), Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC), Certified in Control Assessments (CICA), and IACert (Institute of Internal Auditors).
Real Estate Training: Taken hundreds of hours of Real Estate Investor classes, Seminars, Live multi-family road trips from Lifestyles Unlimited, Rat Race 2 Retirement real estate club.
Real Estate Industry Conferences and Networking: Attended events with LifeStyles Unlimited, Brad Sumrok (R2R), Paul Peebles (Old Capital), Joe Fairless (BEC), AAA Adam Adams (Blue Spruce), Sunil Tulsiani, Neal Bawa (Grocapitus), and Grand Cardone (10X). Appeared on multiple Radio Shows and Podcasts.

Steve Huckabay
Steve is currently invested in several multi-family projects, owns, and operates a Self-service Car Wash. For the past 18 years Steve has been involved in the Car Wash Industry. Active member of the S.W.C.A. (Southwest Car Wash Association), I.C.A. (International Car Wash Association) and Houston Apartment Association. Prior to the Car Wash Industry from 1995 / 2005 he owned and operated 10 Manufacture Home Sales Centers throughout Texas. Operations included sales center, mobile home parks and a full-service transportation company. Steve was Project Manager for the comprehensive interior and exterior renovations for Palms of Baytown Apartments and Oak Village Apartments & Storage. Current co-sponsor of Vanderbilt Lodge apartments, overseeing daily operations.
I’ve been investing in real estate in Texas since 2003. I’ve negotiated over 1200 deals. And, now that I know how to invest actively and passively in Texas Commercial real estate, I’m putting most of my money to work into that!
There’s just too much money to be made in commercial!
Which brings me back to you securing one of the 150 spots for the Texas Commercial Real Estate Expo…
Texas Commercial Real Estate Expo $497 FREE For Our Live Online Attendees
(Valued at well over $1,000)
(Strictly limited to 150 Texas Investors)
Admission Includes:
- Active commercial real estate investing training.
- Passive commercial real estate investing training.
- Meeting likeminded Texans, PLUS vendors and experts who work specifically with commercial real estate investors in Texas (so you can build your network.)
- All training by Texans, for Texans, about investing in Texas.
- Become a Sophisticated Investor by the end of the expo.
What the Texas Commercial Real Estate Expo is NOT
The Expo is NOT a traveling circus road-show get-rich-quick seminar!
You’re probably wondering why we run it, if we don’t profit on your $497.
Well, there’s a simple answer…
I co-founded a company called Canis Major Incubator. Canis Major Incubator exists to match active commercial real estate investors (people with deals to invest in), passive commercial real estate investors (people with money to invest), and local industry experts and vendors together.
It’s a platform that gives Texas-based commercial real estate investors everything they need…
- Access to money (for investors who can find deals but can’t fund them alone).
- Access to deals (for investors who have the money already, but no better place to put it).
- Access to training (on how to find deals yourself and evaluate deals/investments)
- Experienced attorneys (that specialize in putting Texas commercial real estate deals together).
- IRA specialists (who know how to reduce or eliminate or defer tax obligations on these deals).
- Texas commercial property inspectors, contractors, commercial brokers, CPAs, etc.
As you can see, we’ve got knowledge, resources, and deals to help you whether you’ve done zero deals, or a billion dollars in deals. This is the Good Old Boy network, here in Texas!
Just by attending the Expo, you’ll connect with many of these people anyway. But, if you like what you see at the event, you may be invited to become part of the Canis Major Incubator network.
When you do, you’ll be trained and become the one bringing us deals, looking for funding. Or, if you have money to invest, you will be trained on how to evaluate deals and have the opportunity to invest in them! And we’ll make money by joining in on those deals (getting a piece), just like you will!
So, you see, the $497 FREE to attend the Expo is our way of introducing serious people to this serious business. And, our business is in putting the people, deals, and money together.
Of course, there’s no obligation or expectation of that happening. If you get everything you need just from attending the Expo, that’s great.
There are only 2 things that can happen when you attend the Texas Commercial Real Estate Expo
- It’s not what you thought it was. You let us know, and we give you your $497 back – PLUS $100 for your time.
- You learn a ton. You meet a bunch of local industry experts. You become an excited, Sophisticated Investor and you start finding and working on deals on your own.
Either of those 3 outcomes are fine with us. And as you can see there’s no risk.
Again, there’s no circus show. We’ll, bring you behind the curtains, share specialized knowledge, introduce you to experts, and show you the Canis Major Incubator platform, and then let you decide what you want to do next.
This is a good deal. I don’t know anywhere else you can get trained as a Sophisticated Investor who knows how to analyze commercial real estate deals, and learns these secrets for just $497 FREE.
What you’ll learn is not theory either. We do this stuff every day. We have for years. And we do it in Texas, same as you.
But, please hurry and reserve your seat. There are only 150 available. We’re letting the local REIAs (Real Estate Investing Associations) know about this event, so it will fill up fast too.
Secure your spot now:
Texas Commercial Real Estate Expo $497 FREE For Our Live Online Attendees
(Valued at well over $1,000)
(Strictly limited to 150 Texas Investors)
Admission Includes:
- Active commercial real estate investing training.
- Passive commercial real estate investing training.
- Meeting likeminded Texans, PLUS vendors and experts who work specifically with commercial real estate investors in Texas (so you can build your network.)
- All training by Texans, for Texans, about investing in Texas.
- Become a Sophisticated Investor by the end of the expo.
Where the Magic Happens
The Texas Commercial Real Estate Expo is taking place LIVE Online (via Zoom) from the comfort of your own home on December 2-4, 2022.
Listen, it’s going to be a great time. You’re going to have fun. And what you learn will change your life and the lives of those around you for the better.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Phill Grove,
Reformed Electrical Engineer
& Co-Founder, Canis Major Incubator, Austin, Texas
Expo Attendee Reviews
Great Workshop with a lot to learn from people with real life projects, I would recommend it for anyone.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Texas Commercial Real Estate Expo is taking place LIVE Online (via Zoom) from the comfort of your own home on December 2-4, 2022.
Better than money-back, actually. We’re offering a double-your-money-back guarantee. Here’s how it works.
If you decide to attend the Workshop … and if, for any reason, you think it’s not for you … you simply tap me on the shoulder. I’ll reach into my pocket and give you back your $497 PLUS another $100 for your trouble.
No questions asked, no forms to fill out, just your money back, on the spot.
NOTE: Even though the event is FREE during the lockdown, we’re still confident in offering the same $100 money-back guarantee.
Yes, really.
Bigger returns, more tax advantages, and less headaches. Sounds like a winning combination!
Because it’s the greatest state in the Union. But beyond that, commercial real estate investing laws are different in every state. The market is different in every state. The cap rates, trends, culture, etc. are all different in every state. There are a number of nationwide companies that try teaching this stuff in Texas. But what they teach you is just theory. Often, what they show you won’t either work here in Texas or in some cases it’s just plain illegal.
On the other hand, we’re your neighbors. We’re Texans investing with other Texans in Texas. We have the actual local resources and expertise to do this here!
Finally, commercial real estate investing is really not that complicated. I went to engineering school. That WAS complicated. I’ve never had to solve a differential equation to do a real estate deal. But, unlike engineering, which is a mile deep in complexity, commercial real estate investing is simple, but it’s a mile wide. A million little details. Of course the good news is that you don’t need to know everything, you just need to surround yourself with people that know everything. Local experts to work with as you learn all the details. That’s where we come in!
You can help us, by bringing us deals and/or bringing us money. We can help you by sharing the local knowledge, and resources to profit from this business. It’s a win-win!
Texas Commercial Real Estate Expo $497 FREE For Our Live Online Attendees
(Valued at well over $1,000)
(Strictly limited to 150 Texas Investors)
Admission Includes:
- Active commercial real estate investing training.
- Passive commercial real estate investing training.
- Meeting likeminded Texans, PLUS vendors and experts who work specifically with commercial real estate investors in Texas (so you can build your network.)
- All training by Texans, for Texans, about investing in Texas.
- Become a Sophisticated Investor by the end of the expo.